Choklits Newsletter, January 2018

Physical Play

Dear Choklits Families,

Welcome to our January newsletter, WOW! This year has certainly started with great speed.

Hope you all enjoyed a happy new year and for those who had time away on holidays that you had a nice relaxing time.

A big welcome to all our new families to Choklits Child Care especially those families experiencing childcare for the first time we look forward to getting to know you over the next few months. With the room changes this year all the children are settling in well and enjoying their new surroundings. For those children who are still a little unsettled, please preserve and make drop off a quick short goodbye in the mornings. We have found over the years that this works best for the child, the parents and the educator. You can ring anytime to check how your child’s day has gone after your drop off.

We have now said goodbye to all the kindergarten children who are starting school this year. It is sad to see them go but we know they will love being at school, meeting new friends and enjoying lots of new experiences.

At the start of the year, we like to update you on some important reminders.

Enrolment updates – if you have changed addresses, phone numbers, contacts or email addresses in 2017 please let us know so we can update our records.

Immunisations – when your child has a new vaccination please bring in the immunisation history statement for our records, your CCB and CCR will be affected if these details are not updated.

Notice periods – 4 weeks notice whenever you are requesting to withdraw your child from care or reducing your child’s days. We have a minimum of 2 days care.

Pickups and drop-offs – If your child needs to be picked up by someone new, please let the centre know prior every new face will be required to provide us with photo ID on arrival.

Medicine – If your child requires medicine prescribed by a doctor during the day, it must be in its original bottle and clearly labelled with your child’s name. The medicine must be handed to one of our educator’s members on arrival at the centre. It must not be left in your child’s bag and then please fill in your child’s medication form.

Until next time,

Staff Member Acknowledgement

This month we would like to acknowledge Kirsten Moran our wonderful educator in our Pre-Kinder/Kinder room. She has love calm and organised approach to her teaching style and keeps the children engaged. Kirsten’s warm approach with the children is lovely to watch and the children respond to her very well. Great work Kirsten and Thank You.

Storypark Update

We are excited to announce that we will be implementing Storypark – a secure, private online space to ensure your child receives the best support possible and that you are involved and up-to-date with your child’s development. Storypark provides each child with an online community, which you (their parent/guardian) own and control who has access to, at no cost, for as long as you wish.

We have had an overwhelming response to the platform so far, if you haven’t already signed up or would like more information please, speak to the educators in your room or head to the Storypark website

What do you need to do now? We have created and invite you to your child’s Storypark community. All you need to do is accept the invite and participate.

We welcome your feedback and look forward to providing an even more responsive, innovative and valuable experience for you and your child.

Cooking with Choklits

Have you seen our new menu? Please visit our Choklits blog for all recipes and menus. If you have any delicious recipes you would like us to know about please email them to us.

Policy Review and Staff Training

We review different policies and procedures at Choklits every month. All of our policies and procedures are available for your review in the foyer of the centre and our educators are here to help with any questions. This month we have been reviewing our Cyber Safety Policy and Storypark Policy, for more information or if you would like to have input into any of our policies please email Sue.

Keep Up-to-Date

Please give our Facebook Page a like. It’s a great way to keep up to date with all the latest happenings at Choklits including events, recipes and special incursions.

Parent Feedback and Input

We welcome any feedback from our families, if you would like to have a chat please come and see us in the office or send any questions or concerns to us via email.

Choklits Child Care

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