Easter at Choklits Child Care

Easter At Choklits Child Care Centre

Children love special events, whether it be Easter, Birthdays or Christmas, because they pick up on the atmosphere of fun and excitement around them. As parent, holidays are made extra special as we get to share in our children’s joy and happiness and learning experiences.

These events are also wonderful opportunities for children to explore their culture and family traditions, and enjoy getting to spend time with loved ones.

It feels like the beginning of this year has absolutely flown by and the 2021 Easter weekend has already been and gone! We would love to share some of the Easter activities we did here at Choklits as we love any excuse to celebrate and incorporate some fun, themed activities into our child care program. Last week we included two fun Easter-themed crafts! 

Easter Presents

The children have been busy creating Easter hats and making Easter presents for their families, part of which involved collecting some natural items from a local park.


On our excursion to the park, the kids explored the different colours, shapes and textures found in nature, which sparked some great conversations about how everything is beautiful in different ways. Some of the children were drawn to the bright yellow wattle flowers for their beautiful colour and fuzzy texture, while others were fascinated by the different sizes and shapes of leaves they could find. 

After they found their nature goodies, we all sat down together with our Easter egg templates to add our natural decorations on with glue.

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This was a universally enjoyed activity that we all loved engaging in outside, which was made extra-special by the focus on making a present for their families. The children were all very proud of their creations!

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Creating Easter Hats

Another activity we had lots of fun with was making Easter hats. We started with a plain band of paper and lots of craft supplies for decoration. Many children opted to use paint and loved swirling the different colours together. Some selected pencils to draw pictures, shapes and patterns while others enjoyed the tactile options of gluing gems and shiny paper pieces.

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preliminary writing skills

After we let the hats dry, we added tall bunny ears for those who wanted to be rabbits, and cut out crowns for our little kings and queens. These great Easter hats inspired lots of imaginative play and we love how they turned out!

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Easter craft is always a fabulous activity, but there are lots of other fun Easter choices that can be great educational opportunities with a little tweaking. If you’re looking for a way to extend the Easter festivities at your house, read on for a few of our favourite, easy Easter ideas.

Home-based Easter Activities

Activities like Easter egg hunts present the perfect opening for some play-based learning. Kids love searching for eggs (particularly when they know chocolate will be the reward!) and this encourages excellent observational and problem-solving skill development. For slightly older children, clues can also be great fun, and kids love the rush of independence they feel when they figure it out.

If you’re looking to limit the sugar high after Easter, plastic eggs are a great option to include. They can extend the egg hunting fun without necessitating the inclusion of extra chocolate and are outdoor friendly even if the weather is wet! An added bonus is that they are reusable, so you can keep them for years to come. Hiding little toys inside these eggs is a good idea.  In addition an enjoyable fun way to practice the alphabet can be to pop foam or magnetic letters inside the eggs for children to find.

Both foil-wrapped chocolate eggs and plastic ones present a great opportunity for practicing colour names, with the plastic eggs also being a fun matching game when pulled apart and mixed up. Egg hunting is also great for counting skills, and you can encourage your child to count with you as they find their eggs and pop them in the easter basket.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading about our Easter fun at Choklits and maybe you can try some of these Easter activity ideas at home!

Happy Easter from all of us at Choklits! We hope you had a wonderful time celebrating with your families and can’t wait to see your little ones back at the centre soon.

Choklits Child Care

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